Saturday 20 August 2022

Ziao’ciu Sim 鳥嘴嬸 meeting Dêg4go1 Hian1 竹篙兄

The next learning video which I am translating is about fate and destiny and I remember that I have recently seen a short video about Ziao’ciu Sim 鳥嘴嬸 meeting Dêg4go1 Hian1 竹篙兄 [Bamboo Pole Brother] and Dêg4go1 So2 竹篙嫂 [Bamboo Pole Sister in law] by chance in which Ziao’ciu Sim said “guê3 u6 uang5 過有緣|过有缘” which in Mandarin is 太有緣|太有缘。Or in English means “highly fated.”

You often see video clips which I put out in which Ziao’ciu Sim and Hung’guah Sim and their family living in a village in Teochew.

If she were really from Teochew, she would have said “guê3 u6 uêng5”. In addition, she says sleep as ngh8 and people from Teochew say ug8.

My guess is that the actor who plays Ziao’ciu Sim is from Swatow because of the accent.

I do not have a Teochew City accent 潮州府城口音, but I love listening to people from Teochew speaking. It has taken me years to understand people from Teochew speaking. I think they have a fantastic accent. They say Teochew as “Diê’ziu 潮州”, to think as “siên6 I say Dio’ziu and sion6 respectively. 

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