Wednesday 31 August 2022

the characters boin5 爿 and guêh8 橛


Gang Hiog 江煜 discusses the characters boin5 and guêh8

Zi2gai5 ping5guê2 zoih8 zo3 no6 boin5


Cut this apple into two pieces [sides].

boin5 actually means side

zoih8 zo3 no6 boin5


cut into two

Note: boin5 can also be written as but NOT

Zi2gai5 guê1 zoih8 zo3 no6 guêh8


Cut this melon into two halves.

The character shown in the video is not encoded and this 𡉀 is not the guêh8 character

a2 zo3 no6 guêh8


to break into two halves

gang1kuê3 zo3 buan3guêh8


The homework is half done.

Do note that kang1kuê3 工課|工课 is a Teochew specific word which has the same meaning as the Mandarin gong'zuo 工作 which means someone’s work or job.

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