Thursday 11 August 2022

Learn Teochew Characters pertaining to eating 餔|哺 嘬 唵 A 唅

I have spent the day learning Teochew and I have forgotten to write a post! Dio5ziu1 Uê7 oh8 bhoi6 la6 - 潮州話學𠁞𤰉!

Let me share with you one of the videos which I have used today. I have written the notes below so that you can follow what was said in the video.

u6siang1si5 dou2 iao1 kung3 mên2mên2 cuê7 muêh8gian6 lai5 dam6sam2


Sometimes (one) is relatively hungrier; quickly find something to fill the hunger.

dam6 means to eat

sam2 rice grains which has already been cooked

bou7 iao1 mi5


To chew until the food is relatively into a fine paste.

Do note that the traditional character for bou7 is different from bu6.



to breastfeed, to suckle



to feed, to nurture, to foster

We see this iog8 in ga3iog8 教育 as to mean to teach or to educate.


to suck

nou5gian2 zuh4 ni6


to breast feed a baby

When gian2 is referring to a person’s baby, I always use and when it is referring to a baby animal or something small, I always use this character and this was taught by Ty Lim from the American Gaginang organisation when they had a forum to teach English speakers to learn Teochew Uê.

The other point is that we call babies and children nou5gian2.


opening a person’s mouth to place food into (the mouth) and then closing the mouth

Zhang Xiao Shan uses this character for am6 and Lim Lung Lung uses this character

The final point I want to make is that the guy speaking in the video has a Teochew City accent. I really love listening to people with Teochew City accent. It is really a very beautiful accent which is very pleasing for my ears.

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