Monday 28 February 2022

彈 duan7 tang5 duain7

Let us hear Professor Lim Lung Lung tell us how to say 

tang5 kim5 彈琴|弹琴

to play a zither

tan2 qin2彈琴|弹琴

tang5gêng1 彈弓|弹弓

catapult, slingshot

dan4gong1 彈弓|弹弓

êng7 tang5gêng1 duan7 ziao2 用彈弓彈鳥  to use a catapult to shoot a bird

tang5 zi2 zêg8 hui1 gang1 彈指一揮間|弹指一挥间

in a flash (an idiom)



duan7 tao5kag4 頭殼|弹头壳

to hit one’s forehead with one’s finger


tao5kag4 頭殼|头壳


nao3men2 腦門脑门

za3tang5 炸彈|炸弹


zha4dan4 炸彈|炸弹

ng5duain7 黃彈|黄弹

Clausena lansium, wampee or wampi, a yellow skinned fruit

huang2pi2 黃皮∣黄皮

I added za3tang5 into the list for I thought you would like to know what it means. I did not add ze2tang5 子彈 which means bullet because we have our own words which are cêng3zi2 銃子 or cion1zi2 槍子 I have had enough of this whole scale import of Mandarin words. We can learn these after we have mastered our own words! 

duan7 tao5kag4  頭殼|弹头壳 to use one's finger to hit another person's forehead


There two videos in which people use the word nab8 to describe how they use their hands to mix ingredients. I cannot think of an English word - I do not think I can say knead or massage. In video 1 the little lad was explain about mixing the ingredients into the chicken pieces. 

In video 2 it was about mixing the ingredients into the sweet potato. 

To mix evenly in Teochew is said as zao5 and I have not seen a character for zao5. The Mandarin equivalent is 均勻

There you have learnt another Teochew word - nab8 


to use one’s hand to knead



to use one's fingers to pinch

nie1 捏

nab8 zao5 zao5□□

To use one fingers to press and mix evenly

nie1 jun1yun2 均勻均匀

sib8guang3 習慣

You must have heard people saying sib8guang3 which is a Mandarin word to mean get used to something, or a habit.

However, our ancestors have given us our own word to have the same meaning as sib8guang3. 

Dio Hiao Sang writes it as 慣性 and Lim Lung Lung writes it as 慣勢 same as our Hokkien cousins.

However, look at the Romanised Teochew. I say it as guin3sin2 nasal both the gui and si - how do you say gui si - do you nasal both or just the gui ?

guin3sin2  慣性




force of habit, habitual,  tendency to do things in the accustomed way

xi2guan4 習慣习惯

xi2xing4 習性习性

guan4xing4 慣性



m6 guin3sin唔慣性|唔惯性

Not used to it.


Asking Questions

I was watching this video and I wanted to ask if the green chillies were hot.

[Note: in the US chilli hot is said as spicy - but in other English speaking countries spicy means there are lots of spices and not necessary chilli hot.]

So how can I ask the question if the green chillies were hot or not?

suan3zio1 oi6 hiam1 a1 bhoi6 綫椒會薟𠁞

because I started with oi6 and I have to finish with bhoi6 because these two are siang1dui3 相對

if I were to start with u6 有 then I need to finish with bho5 

for example, le2 u6 tion2 dioh4 ziah4 gao2 bho5 汝有睇著隻狗無
Have you seen the dog? 

Another question expression is: u6 a1 bho5 有阿無 and the Mandarin equivalent is 有沒有
If I were to ask ning2 u6 a1 bho5 有阿無 - do you all have it or not?

There is another pair ain3 mai3 欲勿 and can also be said as ain3 a1 mai3 欲勿 and the Mandarin equivalent is 要不要

Some one will give you something and ask ain3 a1 mai3 which means do you want it?

Another is si6 a1 mi6  是阿[不/是] which has the same meaning as 是不是 in Mandarin. 

So when you are learning Teochew, always make note of the opposite which is said as siang1dui3 相對 and learn these off by hard. 

Sunday 27 February 2022

指 zi2 gi2 zeng2 zoin2

This character 指 can be said as zi2 gi2 zeng2 or zoin2 and I have put together some notes so you can learn how to use this character and in Mandarin it is all zhi3.

zi2bhung5 指紋|指纹


zhi3wen2 指紋|指纹

zi2ing3 指印

fingerprint, thumb print

zhi3yin4 指印


ciu2zi2 手指 or gai3zi2 戒指

ring – (finger ring)

jie4zhi5 戒指 jie4zi5 戒子



shou3zhi3 手指

zhi3tou5 指頭|指头


little finger, pinkie finger, fifth digit

xiao3zhi3 小指

zeng2gah4 指甲


zhi3jia5 指甲

zeng2tao5gong1 指頭公|指头公


da4mu5zhi3 大拇指



to point at


gi2 hiang3 dangboin指向東畔

to point towards the eastern part

zhi3xiang4 dong1bian5 指向東邊指向东边


ka1zoin2 骹指


jiao3zhi3tou5  腳趾頭|脚趾头

ka1zoin2gah4 骹指甲


jiao3zhi3jia5 腳指甲|脚指甲

Therefore how one learn all of these in one go. I suggest you do not look at the characters until your Chinese has improved. Learn to say it using the Romanised Teochew. Ask a person who is fluent in Teochew to say these words for you and record them. 

I wish you well in learning Teochew. 

Cover a pot with a lid 蓋上蓋子

Do you know how to say cover a cooking pot with a lid and in Mandarin it is said as 蓋上蓋子。

Let us listen to this gentleman say how to close with a lid tightly and he speaks in Dio'ziu Hu'Sian Uê 潮州府城話 - i.e. Teochew spoken in Teochew City.

He said:

kioh8 gai6 gua3 guên1 mi1  挈個蓋關瞇

Cover with a lid tightly.


I say to cover with a lid tightly as kioh8 gai6 koin3 kam3 mi1 挈個瞇|挈个

How do you say to cover a pot with a lid tightly?

You will have noticed that 蓋 is said as gua3 koin3 and kam3 and  can be said as others as well. 

Mandarin says this  as gai3 except when it is used as a surname and it is said as Ge3 

Besides the above, that same character  is also said as gah4puê6 蓋被 to cover oneself with a duvet. As a surname we say it as Gai3 

Saturday 26 February 2022

雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8 Revisited

Let us revisit the nursery rhyme 雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8 again.

雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8


雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8

阿公去柵箔 a1gong1 ke3 zah8boh8

柵著鯉魚共苦初 zah8 dioh4 li2he5 gang7 kou2co1

阿公哩欲烳 a1gong1 li7 ain3 bu5

阿婆哩欲炣 a1pua5 li7 ain3 ko2

二人相拍相挽毛  no2nang4 sio1pah4 sio1mang2mo2

挽去見老爹 mang2 ke2 gin2 lao2dia1

老爹笑呵呵 lao2dia1 cio3 ho1ho1

呾恁二老好笑絕 dan3 ning2 no2lao6 ho2 cio3 zoh8

好笑絕ho2 cio3 zoh8

I imagine everybody knows what 雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8 mean and we all should know what is a'gong and ke3.

However, what is zah8boh8 柵箔? I heard Zia Bhung Bang 謝文榜 singing a Lia tig'to 來踢跎 and he sung a'gong ke zah'boh but it was obvious nobody knew the characters for zah'boh.

Professor Lim LungLung in one of his books showed the character for zah'boh but explained that it is a type / method of fishing.

From the characters of zah'boh 柵箔 given by Professor Lim, we know it is some kind of fence and something which is weaved like a net. Therefore it must be a way of trapping the fish because in the next line it song and nursery rhyme write zah4 dioh4 - i.e. trapped.

Li2he5 is a type of fresh water carb and we Teochew people used to call it li2gou1 鯉姑 and in our ancient custom this fish was eaten on Chinese New Year. There is a Chinese idiom which is 鯉魚跳龍門 li2he5 tiao3 lêng5mung5 and its meaning is having a quantum leap in one's career.

The next word is gang7 which Professor Lim explains as "and" the Chinese equivalent is  and kou'co is a type of small fish.

The next interesting character is li7 and Prof Lim says that its meaning is however, same as the Chinese

I think we all should know the meaning of ain3 and it means want or desire or fancy same as the Chinese 想要

What is new for me is a1pua5 and I thought it is grandfather's concubine but Professor Lim explains this as grandfather's wife. 

I imagine everybody knows what is bu5 - we know this as in bu5zui2 烳水 - to boil water, bu5teng1 烳湯 as to make soup. In Mandarin, bu5zui2, to boil water, is said as 燒水 and bu5teng1 is said as 煲湯 and Professor Lim wrote in his book that bu5 is said in Mandarin as    

I do not expect you to know the meaning of ko2 judging by the number of native speakers not being able to get the character right for ko2.  The most famous use of the character ko2 is ko2bung7 炣飯 and it is a way of cooking rice in our homeland. 

For ko2bung7 one cooks the rice separately and fry all the ingredients separately and then add the fried ingredients into the hot cooked rice and bhung1 燜 it slowly in a covered pot. 

Ko2 is actually cooking something in a closed vessel using low heat over a period of time. The nearest Mandarin equivalent is 

However, more importantly 阿公哩欲烳 阿婆哩欲炣  "a1gong1 li7 ain3 bu5 a1pua5 li7 ain3 ko2" has a very special meaning which is that one cannot satisfy everybody translated into Chinese as 眾口難調

I have only explained part of the nursery rhyme and do you really think that you know the meaning of the nursery rhyme? 

I leave you to translate the rest. It is only when you appreciate that you do not know the whole of Teochew that you have an opportunity to learn and master our mother tongue which is said as bho2ghe2 母語 otherwise it would be like throwing pearls before swine !

gug8 cui3 gug8 cui3 滑嘴滑嘴

YouTube sent me this video which I find rather interesting. It is narrated in Mandarin but they throw in some Teochew expressions and the two which I want to identify are:

Case A at 0:30 which is written in Mandarin as 熱起爐竈|热起炉灶 in the subtitles but it actually means a lot more than turning on the stove. 

riag8 lou5 sio1 dian2  熱爐燒鼎|热炉烧鼎

to turn on the stove and heat up the frying pan


Case B at 0:48 and who would ever think that  滑溜溜  is said in Teochew as gug8 cui3 gug8 cui3 !

gug8 cui3 gug8 cui3 滑嘴滑嘴

glossy and smooth

hua2liu1liu1 滑溜溜

gue2diao5 gug8 cui3 gug8 cui3 gai5 kao2gam2




The rice noodle’s smooth and glossy texture . . .


Do listen to the video and let me know what you think? 

雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8 version 2

Teochew Store recently uploaded another 雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8 video in YouTube - and do listen to this version and see how much you understand. 

雨落落  hou6 loh8 loh8

阿公去柵箔  a1gong1 ke3 zah8boh8

柵著鯉魚共苦初 zah8 dioh4 li2he5 gang7 kou2co1

阿公哩欲烳 a1gong1 li7 ain3 bu5

阿婆哩欲炣 a1pua5 li7 ain3 ko2

二人相拍相挽毛  no2nang4 sio1pah4 sio1mang2mo2

挽去見老爹 mang2 ke2 gin2 lao2dia1

老爹笑呵呵 lao2dia1 cio3 ho1ho1

呾恁二老好笑絕 dan3 ning2 no2lao6 ho2 cio3 zoh8

好笑絕ho2 cio3 zoh8

It was raining and grandfather went to catch fish 

He caught a carb and small fish 

Grandfather wanted to cook by boiling 

Grandmother wanted to cook using low heat over a long period T

he two of them had a fight and pull one another’s hair 

Went to see father and father had a good laugh 

Father said, they, two husband and wife were extremely funny.

Friday 25 February 2022

iaoh4guê3lai5 躍過來|跃过来

I have just learnt a new Teochew expression. 

YouTube sent me this video and at around 1:09 the little lad said iaoh4 guê3 lai5 and I could see the subtitles written in Mandarin as 翻過來 which means to turn over, to flip over, to over turn etc but in this case of iaoh4guê3lai5 躍過來 it means to flip over. 



to flip over



I first learnt of this character 躍 as iag4 which means to jump in a song.

I have learnt another usage of this character 躍 said as iaoh4 today. 

Please listen to the video and hear the little lad saying iaoh4guê3lai5 to mean to flip over. 

In the video, the little lad also said goih4 ia5 zi2 nêg8 ia7 gah8 i1 dan6 loh8 ke3  夹椰子肉也合伊擲落去| 夹椰子肉也合伊掷落去 - and I wonder why he did not say liu2 as to scoop up the flesh of the young coconut. [BTW: dan6 means to throw]

雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8

There a lots of Teochew nursery rhymes and Teochew Store, an online store, based in Singapore, has been promoting our language and culture through various media and one of them is Teochew nursery rhymes. Most of the nursery rhymes or at least those I have heard are all sung in Swatow Uê.

I still remember my father teaching me Teochew nursery rhymes. 

Learning nursery rhyme is a good way to learn Teochew. Here is a nursery rhyme and the title of this nursery rhyme is 雨落落 hou6 loh8 loh8. Click on the link to hear the nursery rhyme and the subtitles are really bad and it is written in broken Teochew! I have used the correct Teochew characters below. 

Let us see if you fully understand this nursery rhyme. If you do not, please ask in the comment section.

hou6 loh8 loh8 雨落落

a1gong1 lai5 zah8boh8 阿公來柵箔

zah8 dioh4 li2he5 hua5 kou2co1  柵著鯉魚苦初

a1gong1 li7 ain3 ze2 阿公哩欲煮

a1ma2 li7 ain3 ko2 阿嫲哩欲炣

no6nang5 sio1pah4 sio1mang2mo2 二人相拍相挽毛  

mang2 gao3 cang5ion5 dang1 挽到田洋中

ngo6dioh4 a1gu6 laih8 goi1 lai5 遇著阿舅掠雞來

liah8 goi1 tai5  掠雞

goi1 kah4 soi3

liah8 ah4 toi3 掠鴨替

ah4 oi7 ah4 鴨噲鴨

nang5 ain3 tai5 le2 zo3ni5 dan3 人欲刣汝咋呢呾

ua2 zêg8rig8 sên1 zêg8 du1 我一日生一堆

ua2 no6 rig8 sên1 no6 du1 我二日生二堆

le2 mai3 tai5 ua2 ke3 tai5 ghu5 汝勿我去刣牛

ghu5 oi7 ghu5

nang5 ain3 tai5 le2 zo3ni5 dan3 人欲刣汝咋呢呾

zoin5 ku1 si6 ua2 loi5 前區是我犁

ao6ku1 si6 ua2 bê5 後區是我耙

le2 mai3 tai5 ua2 ke3 tai5 hê5 汝勿我去刣蝦

hê5 oi7 hê5

nang5 ain3 tai5 le2 zo3ni5 dan3 人欲刣汝咋呢呾

ua2 zêg8 diao5 kêh4 ning2 zo3 zêg8 buan5 我一條乞恁做一盤

ua2 no6 diao5 kêh4 ning2 zo3 no6 buan5 我二條乞恁做二盤

le2 mai3 tai5 ua2 ke3 tai5 muan5 汝勿我去刣鰻

muan5 oi7 muan5

nang5 ain3 tai5 le2 zo3ni5 dan3 人欲刣汝咋呢呾

ua2 zêg8 sing1 liu1 liu1 gug8  我一身溜溜滑

le2 mai3 tai5 ua2 ke3 tai5 ghu5sai2hug8 汝勿我去刣牛屎核

ghu5sai2hug8 oi7 牛屎核

nang5 ain3 tai5 le2 zo3ni5 dan3 人欲刣汝咋呢呾

ua2 zêg8 sing1 cao3 hi1 hi1 我一身臭兮兮

le2 mai3 tai5 ua2 ke3 tai5 mua5ciag5 si1 汝勿我去刣麻雀絲

mua5ciag5 si1 oi7 麻雀絲

nang5 ain3 tai5 le2 zo3ni5 dan3 人欲刣汝咋呢呾

ua2 oi6 buê1 我會飛

le2 mai3 tai5 ua2 ke3 tai5 a1 huang1guê2 汝勿我去刣阿番瓜

huang1guê2 oi7 番瓜

nang5 ain3 tai5 le2 zo3ni5 dan3 人欲刣汝咋呢呾

huang1guê2 bho5 uê7 dan3 番瓜無話

bhua5 gi1 do1 磨支刀

lo2 dog4 guêh8