Saturday 6 August 2022

Conjunction I

Let us consider conjunction today and a conjunction is called 關聯詞 guang1liang5se5 in Teochew Uê.

The zao6gu3 造句 [sentence making] we are making today is zêg8biang1 zêg8biang1 一邊 一邊 造句

I will give you an example of such a sentence and then you try and make one up yourself and if you want to share, please leave it in the comment section.

I1 zêg8biang1 ziah8 zêg8biang1 mag4 ciu2gi1, bho5guê3 oi6 ru2 ziah4 ru2 mang7.


On one hand he is eating and the other hand playing with his phone, no wonder he is eating slower and slower.  

I think the Teochew word mag4 is a loan word from the English word “to muck around”.

The sentence structure is:







Do you think you could try and form a couple of sentences using this zêg8biang1 zêg8biang1 zao6gu3?

The examples below do not have any consequences for their actions.

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