Tuesday 9 August 2022

Love, romance

Ziao’ciu Sim said to her son:

Ain3cêng5 gai7 se7 dioh8 le2cêng5ua2nguang6 zêg8huang1 si6 main3 nang2 ziu6 main3


Can you make a guess to the meaning of what ZCS has said to her son?

It means “Romance between two people have to have mutual consent, if one party does not consent, then we do not want.”

潮語詞彙  Dio5ghe2 se5huê6 Teochew Vocabulary

ain3cêng5 愛情 - love, romance

le2cêng5ua2nguang6 汝情我願 for both to be willing, mutual consent

zêg8huang1 一方 - a party, one side

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