Monday 8 August 2022


We all have been hearing in the media that, “Taiwan is a part of China’s territory which cannot be separated.” But how do we say this in Teochew Uê.

Tai5uang5 si6 Dong1gog4 nian2tou2 bhoi6sai2 hung1guah4 gai7 bou6hung7.


Taiwan is a part of China’s territory which cannot be separated.


潮語詞彙  Dio5ghe2 se5huê6 Teochew Vocabulary

Tai5uang5 臺灣|台湾 Taiwan

Dong1gog4 中國|中国 China

nian2tou2 領土|领土 territory

bhoi6sai2 𠁞使|𠀾使 must not, should not, cannot

hung1guah4 分割 be broken from, be separated from, to be cut from

bou6hung7 部分 part of

I have never heard any native speakers use the word bhoi6sai2. 

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