Thursday 5 May 2022


We, Teochew, can say very in different ways.


We can use the suffix si2

ngia2si2 雅死

very beautiful


We can use the prefix guê3

guê3 ngia2 怪雅

very beautiful

Zhang Xiao Shan says we can use for guê3 and so does Professor Lim. We can also write guê3 as 過|过


We can use the prefix hoh4

hoh4 ngia2 好雅

very beautiful

zoh8 絕|绝

We can use the suffix zoh8 and this actually is more than “very” – it could actually mean extremely!

ngia2 zoh8 雅絕|雅绝

Extremely beautiful!



i1 rioh4 sioh4 le2 伊惜若汝

He loves you very much.

hui1sion5 非常

We can also use this Mandarin adjective to mean very

hui1sion5 ngia2 非常雅

very beautiful

Mogher writes that we can also use the following to mean very.


I have not heard these been used and therefore unable to comment.

dai6 rioh4 大若


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