Sunday 15 May 2022

Unusual Teochew IV

 潮州母語特殊 Teochew bhoghe dêg8su5 IV – Unusual Teochew mother tongue

I found three videos pertaining to unusual Teochew and the characters I have used are according to Teochew dictionaries or discussed by Professor Lim.

mang2ming7 挽面

to pull out fine facial hair, which is done just before a young lady gets married using fine silk thread


gang2gou2 講古讲古

see below

guê3huang1 過番|过番

to go overseas

guê3zua2 掛紙|挂纸

to sweep the grave of one's ancestors during CêngMêng Zioh 清明節 also said as sao3mo6 掃墓|扫墓


to hide oneself, to hide as in to conceal


a large cast iron sauté pan, a wok 鑊 in Cantonese, and in Mandarin 大鐵鍋|大铁锅


I have listened to what was said about gang2gou2 and at no time was the meaning of gang2gou2 exposed. I cannot find this phrase in my Teochew dictionary and it assumes everybody knows the meaning of gang2gou2. 

I have checked with what Taiwan Hokkien say and gang2guo2 is defined as story telling.  

If this is the case, then our equivalent Teochew expressions are puêh8gou2 詖古 or oh8gou2 學古  which means story telling. 

gang2gou2 講古讲古


 I have typed out what was said in Teochew. 

在缺少文娛活動年代內 講古是人們陶冶精神  增進知識個一種形式  潮汕講古題材廣泛  內容豐富  是老人孥仔喜聞樂見個民間藝術


And this is my translated piece . . .

During the period of shortage of cultural entertainment activities, storytelling educates the people's consciousness.  It is a type of method which promotes knowledge.  Teochew's story telling is an extensive subject matter. It is a popular art which old people and children love to hear.

puêh8gou2 詖古诐古

tell a story, story telling

oh8gou2 學古|学古

tell a story, story telling

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