Sunday 8 May 2022


 You can hear my favourite chef Iab Hui 葉飛 from Swatow saying "Zi2boin5 u6nang5 zo3 hia2gi1  ti1ti1 gai7 a7bho5?"

ti1ti1 黐黐

thick, viscous

nian2chou2 黏稠


Zi2boin5 u6nang5 zo3 hia2gi1 ti1ti1 gai7 a7bho5?




Does anybody on this said do that thick and viscous (type)?


a] question phrase: u6 a7bho5 - if you find it difficult to learn all our Teochew questioning phrases, then use them one at a time until you are used to it and then move on to another. 

b] ti1ti1 means viscous, thick - Iab Hui is referring to the soup being thick and viscous.  If you were to watch Iab Hui's cooking videos, he loves using the word ti1ti1 黐黐 but you will see the subtitles as Ti Ti without Chinese characters.  黐黐 is our Teochew word and other Chinese people looking at the characters will be very confused. Other Chinese would use the niam5niam5 黏黏 characters but niam5niam5 has a different meaning in Teochew. 

There is a difference between niam5(7)niam5 黏黏 and ti5ti5 and one does not describe a soup as niam5niam5.

I have an impression that our people love saying hia2gi1, zia2gi2 - meaning that one and this one respectively.

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