Tuesday 10 May 2022

brushing pass

I was looking for the character hion3 as in bho5 sion6 hion3 zoi7 [did not think of much] but found hoi1 instead in one of my Teochew dictionaries. 

I thought I would share with you as you would not find this in any of the online dictionaries. 

There is no simplified encoded character for this hoi1 even it is written in two of my Teochew dictionaries as [扌|岂] 


lightly rubbing passing by, brushing pass


Le2 gian2 kui1 diam2gian2, main3 hoi1 dioh4 ua2




When you walk pass me in a while away, do not brush pass me.




pang2xie4 螃蟹

I have included the hoi6 character so you have an idea how to say hoi1 as this character cannot be found in any of the two Teochew online dictionaries I use. 

hion3 向 This character is uncertain. 

bho5 sion6 hion3 zoi7 無想向㩼无想向㩼

Did not think that much!


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