Tuesday 10 May 2022

a cooking method in a closed vessel

Please watch this short video and tell me the name of  the cooking process in Teochew - not gog4 - this is not a Teochew word. 

Pou2lêng5 dao7zion3 gog4 goi1tui2 普寧豆醬焗雞腿普宁豆酱焗鸡腿

Chicken legs cook in a pot with Puning bean sauce


to cook with the aid of steam until the food item is cooked


iam5gog4goi1 鹽焗盐焗鸡

a whole chicken baked in salt in the earth – a famous Hakka dish

dao7zion3 gog4 hê5 豆醬焗蝦豆酱焗虾

Prawns cook in a covered pot with bean sauce.

Pou2lêng5 is said as Puning in Mandarin. It is famous for many food items including "Pou2lêng5 dao7zion3" or Puning bean sauce.  I find the bean sauce too salty and I wash the preserved beans before cooking with it. 

I think the Teochew word is hib4  and in Mandarin is men4 焖 and in Cantonese is guk6 焗

What do you think? 

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