Tuesday 10 May 2022

Catch fish

 How many ways can you say catch fish in Teochew?

You can see from the list below, bu6he5 is a Mandarin expression and we normally say liah8he5 to catch fish. This is a generic term. However, when we use a net, we say pa1he5. When we use a line to catch fish, we say dion3he5.  

In a Teochew nursery rhyme, we have heard A'gong ke3 zah8 he5 - that is grandfather uses something to block a small ditch and catch fish. Zah8  means to block. You see some people write zah8 as .

dion3he5 釣魚|钓鱼

to catch fish with a line and hook


liah8he5 掠魚|掠鱼

catch fish


bu6he5 捕魚|捕鱼

catch fish


pa1he5 拋魚|抛鱼

to catch fish, to fish with a net


pa1he5 拋魚|抛鱼

to throw a fishnet to catch fish



liah8he5 掠魚

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