Tuesday 29 March 2022

Uniquely Teochew Ê and E


There is a big difference between e and ê and I have pointed this out with the examples below. I hope you are able to hear the difference between e and ê.

de5 de5nang5 除人 as in disturb people vs dê5 as in tea

ce2 as in ngiao1ce2 as in a rat vs cê1 as in a fork

ge3 as in a saw vs gê1 as in a family

Uniquely Teochew Ê

ê6bai2 下擺|下摆

next time

xia4ci4 下次 xia4hui2 下回


below, under, next, the following

xia4mian5 下面



xia4wu3 下午

ê6hai5 下頦|下颏


xia4ba5 下巴

ê6si3nang5 下世人

the next life

xia4bei4zi5 下輩子|下辈子

êg8re5 荋|懌荋

very messy

hen3luan4 很亂|很乱

êng1go1bhu2 英歌舞

heroes’ songs and dance


êng1go1 鸚哥|鹦哥


ying1wu3 鸚鵡|鹦鹉

êng3cai3 蕹菜

water convolvulus

kong1xin1cai4 空心菜

êng3bui5 壅肥

to spread manure

shi1fei2 施肥

êng3cang5 壅田

to irrigate a field


êng3zui2 壅水

to sprinkle water

po1shui3 潑水|泼水


Uniquely Teochew E


greasy, oily

ni4ren2 膩人腻人

e3e3 飫飫饫饫

too oily, too greasy


e3tou5 淤塗

to be choked up with silt, silted up

yu1se4 淤塞

e3ze3 淤漬淤渍

muddle, confuse

hu2tu5 糊塗|糊涂

e3ze3 淤漬淤渍

no manners

mei2 li3mou4 沒禮貌|没礼貌


small and thin

shou4xiao3 瘦小

eng1ceng1 奀傖|奀伧

stingy, mean, low and petty

xiao3qi4 小氣|小气



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