Friday 18 March 2022


I want to share the words I know which has hiong in it. I hope you find the examples interesting. 


Hiong1nou1 匈奴

Hiong1nou1 toin2 gao3 u6ngiang3 匈奴睇到有癮|匈奴睇到有瘾

nomadic people of Northern China

Hiong’nou watched until addicted to watching.


hiong1ag4 兇惡|凶恶

evil, wicked, malignant

hiong1 洶|汹

hiong1 gib4 洶急|汹急

rapid torrential rush

ki1si3hiong1hiong1 氣勢洶洶|气势汹汹

aggressively, overbearingly


gian5 hiong5 行雄

to walk very fast

hiong5ui2 雄偉|雄伟

magnificent, grand, imposing

êng1hiong5 英雄


I heard this sentence "Hiong1nou1 toin2 gao3 u6ngiang3" in this video and I thought it was very amusing and he went on to say gêng2riang5 ba6 ziang3 竟然罷戰|竟然罢战 which means unexpectedly, stop fighting [i.e. no longer in a state of war].

He also then said a soh'ghe 俗語 which is:

zo3hi3 si6 sing5gêng1做戲是神經做戏是神经

to act in a show is crazy


tion2hi3 si6 bêh8ring5睇戲是白仁|睇戏是白仁

to watch a show is idiotic


The actual meaning of the above soh'ghe [common saying] is:

Zo3 Dio5giah8 gai5 zi2zung5 ing5uang5 rib8 hi3 gê2hi3zing1zo3 guang3zong3 tion2 gao3 hi3hêng1 in2gê2dang1zing1

做潮剧個只陣 演員入 戲真 觀眾戲興 以假當真

While singing Teochew opera, the actors enter the stage, fiction becomes reality, the audience watch until taking what is fiction to be real

演潮剧的時候 演員入 假戲真唱 觀眾入神 以假當真

If you were to say 神經 crazy  as sêng5gêng1 then either your family roots are in Gig'Io 揭陽 or you are mixing with Teochew people whose roots are in Gig'Io 揭陽.

I realise the above common saying is difficult to understand, but like all Chinese sayings, you need time to think about it before you can understand its meaning. 

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