Monday 14 March 2022

Elegant Teochew Birthday Greeting

Elegant Teochew is said as bhung5ngia2 Dio'ziu Uê 文雅潮州話

You can hear A'Ka 阿巧 teaching her husband elegant Teochew in greeting her father on his 60th birthday.

gu1 lêng5 hog4siu7 龜齡福壽龟龄福寿

May your live as old as a tortoise in happiness and longevity

hog4 ru5 Dang1hai2 福如東海福如东海

May your happiness be as immense as the East Sea

gu1  tortoise or turtle

lêng5  age like in ni5lêng5 年齡 to mean someone's age

hog4siu7 福壽happiness and longevity 

hog4  happiness

ru5  as if

Dang1hai2 東海 - East China Sea or an ancient Chinese mythological East Sea

Now you can greet someone on their birthday and know what to say. 

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