Sunday 27 March 2022

Teochew Nursery Rhyme

You can hear a Teochew nursery rhyme in this video. Nursery rhyme is called 童謠 tong5iao5.





Dong1mung5 lao5dêng2 riag8têng5têng5

bhua5 goin1 zih1 zong2 tion2 huê1dêng1

ho2 huê1 ho2 dêng1 ho2 ni5 gêng2

huan1sian1cio3ghe2 uê7 sêng1 pêng5


The top of the East Gate is bustling

cheek by jowl watching coloured lantern

good coloured lantern good year scenery

cheers and laughter conversations leading to peace

riag8têng5têng5 熱騰騰


bhua5 goin1 zih4 zong2  摩肩接踵

rubbing shoulders and following in each other’s footsteps; crowded with people

huê1dêng1 花燈

coloured lanterns used on the 15th day of CNY

huan1sian1cio3ghe2 歡聲笑語

cheers and laughter


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