Thursday 24 March 2022


I really like a drama from Teochew which is called 四鄉六里文化 

One of the words the guy with dark glasses used was ngou6hêng5 五形. Do you know the meaning of ngou6hêng5? It means appearance

The guy in glasses is a new character and Guah4de1 割豬 calls him Ngou6ni1  but the subtitles write 

I do not know why they write Guah'de as  because the character  is said as as guêh4 which means to scrape and guah4  means to cut. 

Ngou'ni then went on to say "tion2 dioh4 sim1 bhoi6 cêng1 ngou6hêng5 bhoi6 zian3gêng1" 睇著心𠁞清五形𠁞正經睇着心𠀾五形𠀾正经

which means, "seen as if one is not tranquil and one's appearance is not proper"

Ngou'ni then went on to say:

oi6 ke3 bhoi6 deng2 zia2 gai5 lo2 si6 mo2 seng2 會去𠁞轉者個裸是孬耍会去𠀾转者个裸是孬耍

and the subtitles only wrote 別一去就不回來别一去就不回来

Ngou'ni said the deng2 as to return and seng2 as in to play to make what he says is pleasant to listen and we call this sung6hin順耳

Ngou'ni actually said "(she) will go and not return is (something) not to be played with"

The Mandarin subtitles wrote: "don't [let her] once go then will not return"

I hope you will enjoy watching this five minutes drama and you can learn a lot more Teochew words. To improve our mother tongue, we need to expose ourselves to listening to how our people speak and it is in listening that we learn. 

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