Monday 21 March 2022

Polite expressions

Let us learn some polite Teochew expressions today. Most of these expressions are the same as Mandarin but some are uniquely Teochew. 

I hope you will be able to learn some of these and be able to be polite towards others. 

kuan1gian5 寬行宽行

a polite way to say to people who are departing.

man4zou3 慢走

kuan1zo6 寬坐宽坐

and the reply from the departing people to those are left behind


cian2cian2 請請请请

Another polite way to say goodbye.


sig4buê5 失陪

a modest way of saying goodbye; Excuse me, I must leave.

shi1pei2 失陪

bo2dong6 保重

take care of yourself - another way to say goodbye

bao3zhong4 保重

kuan1ziah8 寬食宽食

To eat slowly – but it actually means to enjoy your meal.

man4man4chi1 慢慢吃

gui3sên3 貴姓贵姓

honoured surname

gui4xing1 貴姓贵姓

Cian2mung7 le2 gui3sên3?  請問汝貴姓请问汝贵姓

May I ask, what is your surname?


Miang2 gui3, sên3 Dion1免貴姓張|免贵姓张

My surname is Teo.


zioh4mung7 借問借问

May I ask . . . ?


zoi7sia7 㩼謝|㩼谢

Thank you.

xie4xie5 謝謝|谢谢

zoi7sia7 le2 gai5 zin1ti5㩼謝汝個支持|㩼谢汝个支持

Thank you for your support.


gam2sia7 感謝|感谢

to express thanks with gratitude

gan3xie4 感謝|感谢

The most polite thing you can do is not to say any inauspicious words which Mandarin says as bu4ji2li4 不吉利 ! 

We Teochew has an expression! 

dua7 tao5 ham1 , kui1 cui3 ziu6 sên1 tang5  大頭蚶,開嘴就生蟲 a big clam once open is rotten - the clam represents a person's mouth - i.e. people speaking inauspicious phrases! 

Our Teochew dictionaries write that cui3 character should be 喙 and I avoid using this because 喙 is a beak or snout or mouth. 

n1 tang5 is uniquely Teochew which means something has gone rotten and tang5 here are lower animals such as worms or insects etc. 

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