Thursday 17 March 2022

好人有好報 ho2nang5 u6 ho2 bo3

好人有好報 ho2nang5 u6 ho2 bo3 is a 成語 sêng5ghe2 i.e. a Chinese expression and you can watch this film on YouTube and this expression is said at the end of the film. 好人有好報 ho2nang5 u6 ho2 bo3 means honest people have rewards

This is a hiah4ao6ghe2 歇後語 i.e. a saying which has a second part. People normally just say the first part and the listeners will know the second part of the hiah4ao6ghe2 歇後語。

The second part of this saying is 惡人有惡報 ag4nang5 u6 ag4bo3 - evil people have retributions.

If you were to listen carefully to what was said in this film, you could learn lots of lovely Teochew words / expressions. 

I do realise that there is much to learn but take your time and learn to say a couple of expressions each week, and soon you will improve your Teochew. 

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