Tuesday 22 March 2022

過如|过如 guê3ru5

If you were to watch this video you will hear them using this word 過如|过如 guê3ru5.

So what does this word 過如|过如 guê3ru5 mean?

Ru5 如 means wan2hao3 完好 in perfect condition.  

Ru5ru5 如如 means in good condition, perfectly good and therefore guê3ru5 means very good. 

Huang1guah4 Sim2 番葛嬸 sweet potato aunty and Ziao2cui3 Sim1 鳥嘴 bird mouth aunty were talking about Soi3liab8 細粒 little particle and Uang1sui1 muê6  芫荽妹  little coriander sister! ha ha!

I hope you all have realised that Uang1sui1 muê6 and Ziao2cui3 Sim1 are played by the same actor and is a male actor! 

妹 muê6 - these people are from Teochew and they say muê6 instead of muê7  for sister. 

No wonder we all love Teochew accent. Muê6 is so much more gentle than muê7! In other places they say muê7 except for Teochew and they say muê6!

You must ask why is sweet potato called huang1guah4 and not huang1ze5? It is because this drama is taking place in a village in Teochew and they all speak Teochew and thus they say huang'guah. Other places say huang'ze for sweet potato. 

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