Monday 14 March 2022

人比人 nang bi nang

The first line of this song nang bi nang 人比人 is rather interesting. 

Zia2 nang5 gai5 tao5lou7 zing1 ci1cam2 ia1 zing1 ci1cam2 zêg8 ni5 zo6 tang2tang2 bho5sêng5 gu1li7 gang1 ru5 riang5 kiao3 nah4sab4tang2 zêg8 rig8 zo3gao3 am3 ia7 sion6 dioh4 m6gam1nguang6


This person's job is very miserable, a year sit and lie down, achieving nothing, working as a coolie, like lifting rubbish bins whole day until dark also think that this is not satisfactory.

tao5lou7 頭路|头路

work, job

gong1zuo4 工作

tao5lou7 頭路|头路

profession, occupation

zhi2ye4 職業职业

bho5sêng5 gu1li7 gang1 無成咕哩工无成咕哩工

achieving nothing working as a coolie


ci1cam2 凄惨 miserable

zo6 tang2tang2 坐躺躺 to lie flat 

What I find interesting is that the subtitles wrote nah4sab4tang2 or rubbish bin as 六散空 and 苦力 coolie gang as 孤里刚 and Mogher writes gu'li as 咕哩 and one would have thought that at least they could get the gang 工 character right. 

If there are other words which you do not understand, please ask. 

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