Saturday 19 March 2022

讀書哩畏高考 作田哩畏挽草

Another Teochew saying tag8ze1 li7 uin3 kao2, zoh4cang5 li7 uin3 mang2cao2 讀書哩畏高考 作田哩畏挽草 and you can hear this saying in this video.

The full version of the saying is:

tag8ze1 uin3 kao2, kêg4ziah8 uin3 gao2, zoh4cang5 uin3 kao1cao2, geng1gio7 uin3 mung5dao2  讀書畏考,乞食畏狗作田畏薅草扛轎畏門斗|读书畏考,乞食畏狗,作田畏薅草,扛轿畏门斗

tag8ze1 to study  uin3  afraid of [害怕]  kao2 examinations

kêg4ziah8 to beg for food, gao2 a dog

zoh4cang5 to farm [種田]

kao1cao2 to weed same meaning as mang2cao2 [除草]

geng1gio7 to carry a sedan chair

mung5dao2 - the frames of a doorpost [門柱] in case the door frames are too narrow and cannot carry the sedan chair across the door threshold 

and this saying means that life is just a constant struggle

and in Standard Chinese

讀書害怕考試,乞討害怕狗 ,  種田害怕除草 ,  抬轎害怕門柱|读书害怕考试,乞讨害怕狗,种田害怕除草,抬轿害怕门柱

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