Monday, 4 April 2022

to pinch

How do you say to pinch in Teochew? Listen to this chef saying niam1  as in a name of a dish call niam1 min7 gao5 拈麵猴  [Some people in Teochew City would say liam1  rather than niam1.]

Another way to say pinch is niab4  - like as if you were making dumplings and you had to pinch the edges of the dumpling wrapper to seal the dumpling. 

A way of saying pinch is zung6  - so if you got up set with your boyfriend and you use your fingers to pinch him and then twist and that movement is called zung6!

Finally, there is nab8  which is to use one's fingers to pinch and it has the same meaning as niab4 .

Do you know of other ways to say pinch? 

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