Sunday 17 April 2022

Interesting Teochew Phrases II

 A cu3bhi7 Teochew Uê7 趣味潮州話 is ghao5.

I have thought about ghao5 because I was listening to 音妹 Im'muê6 singing and the phrase in the song which caught my eye was “nou5gian2 ghao5dua7 孥囝𠢕” and this made me think of ghao5.

There are a couple of sentences which have made me think of ghao5 as well and these sentences are.

i1 oi6 ghao5 zu6 gi1 big4 keh4 i1 伊會𠢕就支筆乞伊|伊会𠢕就支笔乞伊

ziah8 bung7 siang6 ghao5 食飯上𠢕|食饭上𠢕

What could this ghao5 mean in the above sentences?

Could ghao5 mean clever, capable, obedient in the above usage?

It would be obvious that the meaning of ghao5, in the sentence below, meant obedient. It could be considered a form of blackmail in which if the child were to do what he has been told, he would be considered ghao5. That poor child could be thinking ghao5 meant clever and capable.

ghao5ghao5 tian1 ua2 dan3 𠢕𠢕 聽我呾| 𠢕𠢕 听我呾

What is your take on ghao5?

Do you think ghao5 mean clever, capable, obedient or something else?

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