Friday 8 April 2022


How do Teochew people address their mother plus others? Please listen to Professor Lim Lung Lung and hear what he has to say. I have typed the notes below to help you follow Professor Lim's talk. 


ma(7)ma5 媽媽

ma(7)mi1 媽咪

a1ma5 阿媽

a1i5 阿姨

a1ai5 𡟓





bê(7)ai5 𡟓


Wet nurse Mandarin: nai3ma1 奶媽

ru(6)bho2 乳母 is also called a1nên1阿姈


Husband and Wife

ang1zia2 翁姐

young married couple is called ang1zia2 gian2翁姐 [Mandarin: xiao3liang3kou3 小兩口]

ong1 as in lao2ong1 老翁 means an old man

Êng1 a surname

can be read as ang1 as in nang(7)sên3 人性 as in humanity or human

or goi1ang as in a rooster [Mandarin gong1ji1 公雞]

In ancient times ong1 means father or in Teochew bê(7)cing1 父親

u5 ong1 吾翁 as in my father [吾翁即汝翁] is your father

zia2 姐 right hand character is cia2 and this is why 姐 is read as zia2

ang1 has the meaning of bê(7)cing1 父親 as in father and zia2 has the meaning of bho(6)cing1母親 or mother and hence ang1zia2 翁姐 for husband and wife

NOTE: I have tone shandhi the above compound character words, in case you have forgotten how to change tones. 

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