Monday 25 April 2022

What the eldest brother said

 What the eldest brother said at 4:28 and he spoke a kind of Mandarin Teochew.

Ua2 zih4gao3 lao6bho2 gai7 sing1 tian1gao3 lao6bê6 bên7dang6 sêng1li2 bang3diao7 mên2mên2 zu6 deng2lai2


我接到老母到老父病重生理放掉猛猛就转内Simplified Characters

I used to say as zu6 until I had Teochew dictionaries and adjusted it to the dictionary pronunciation “ziu6” but I have heard it many times said as zu6 including said by Professor Lim Lung Lung!

Amended Teochew: We called our mothers in those days as A1'Ai5. 

We also do not gao3 but dioh4

Many people make a mistake and write deng'lai as  but actually this means return back and not return home [in Mandarin 返來].

Ua2 zih4dioh4 lao6ai5 gai7 ze1sing3 tian1dioh lao6bê6 bên7dang6 sêng1li2 bang3diao7 mên2mên2 zu6 deng2lai2


我接着老𡟓书信听着老父病重生理放掉猛猛就转内 Simplified Characters

我接到母親的家書聽到父親病重生意放下快快回家 – modern Mandarin

我接到母亲的家书听到父亲病重生意放下快快回家Simplified Characters

I received a letter from mother hearing that father was seriously ill, abandon the business and quickly returned home.

 It is interesting to hear the grandfather and grandmother speaking Teochew without all those Mandarin words and the sons speaking in modern Teochew with lots of Mandarin words. 

Does anybody know what our people used to call letter, say a hundred years ago? I think I have to watch more Teochew historical dramas and listen carefully to what they are saying. 

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