Wednesday 13 April 2022

metamorphosis - a refined, elegant handsome young man into an old grey-haired man


We, Teochew people, have a commonly used idiom, which is called guang3 êng7 ghe2 慣用語

ke3si5 sio2sêng1 di6 deng2si5 lao5 bêh8 ciu1


 Before understanding the meaning of this commonly used idiom, we have to learn a few new Teochew words.

ke3si5 去時|去时

the period of leaving, at that time



refine, polish, elegant, graceful, handsome

xiu4qi5 秀氣秀气 wen2ya3 文雅

deng2si5 轉時|转时

the period of returning, now


lao5 ciu1 留鬚|留须

to grow a beard

liu2 hu2zi5 留鬍子|留胡子

And the meaning of the commonly used idiom is:

Was a refined, elegant handsome young man at that time of departure, and now returning with a white beard.

The given Mandarin translation is:


At that time of going overseas, one was a young man, now returning to one’s hometown one has already turned into an old grey-haired man.

 Do take note of the differences between the two languages, Teochew and Mandarin.

ke3si5 去時|去时

at that time

dang1shi2 當時|当时

ciu1 鬚|须


hu2zi5 鬍子|胡子

sio2sêng1 di6 小生弟

a young man, youngster

xiao3huo3zi5 小伙子

deng2si5 轉時|转时

now, at the present moment

xian4zai4 現在|现在

lao5 bêh8 ciu1 留白鬚|留白须

grown a white beard

liu2 bai2 hu2zi5 留白鬍子|留白胡子

Teochew and Mandarin, these two languages, have different roots. 

Modern Teochew has imported whole scale words from Mandarin because the people have resigned to a cultural genocide of losing its language and thus has lost its ability to evolve with the times. 

I find this rather sad!

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