Sunday 24 April 2022

To be on time

How does one say to be on time in Teochew?

I had a look at Zhang Xiao Shan's dictionary and my own notes and put the below set of notes for you.

ZXS did not explain the meaning of of zao2m6li6 and hu3m6li6 and he just marked these are Teochew words. I have had a look at Mogher and czyzd and both these character dictionaries have not given anything specific relevant to our Teochew language. 


in time for



to have caught up just on time


zao2m6li6 走唔戾



hu3m6li6 赴唔戾



m6hu3 唔赴

there is not enough time to do something, it is too late to do something


lai5bhoi6hu3 𠁞赴|来𠀾

there is not enough time to do something, it is too late to do something


 m6hu3 is from Mogher and Mogher uses m6 毋 which the Hokkien people use. 

As for lia5bhoi6hu3 is a word I heard as a child which has stuck in my head. 

What do you think zao2m6li6 and hu3m6li6 mean? I have made my guesses and recorded these in my notes. Please share what you think in the comment section. 

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