Saturday 23 April 2022

Rude and Unreasonable

Do you know how to say rude and being unreasonable in Teochew? If you were to listen to this video soon after 1:20 you would hear huên5 ka1 li2 gêh8 been said. 

huên5 ka1 li2 gêh8


rude and unreasonable



man2heng4 蠻橫|蛮横

heng4man2 橫蠻|横蛮

It was Jason from Teochew Store, Singapore, who drew my attention to this Teochew phrase. 

I first heard of the word huên5 when a lady said huên5 san1 cung3 橫三寸 to describe her feet which means three inches across. So huên5 means across.

ka1li2 - I have no idea what ka1li2 means. Perhaps someone can inform us. 

gêh8 - means to betray, to rebel

In that part of the sentence, the man said "hiang3lai5 si6 huên5 ka1 li2 gêh8" and this means "is always rude and unreasonable". 

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