Saturday 23 April 2022

Interesting Teochew Phrases IV Part B

There are more cu3bhi7 Teochew Uê7 趣味潮州話

Let us listen to the grandmother discussing with the grandfather. You have heard what the grandfather said in a previous post. Let us now listen to what the grandmother has to say which is after 2:13.

Le2 gio3 A1Hog4 lai5 huan1 zi2gai5 gê1 ai1io1 - ia7 bhoi6 zêng2 ia7 oi6 ou1cên1


If you were to ask Ah Hog to manage this household, if not “swollen would be blue-black”.

i.e., The family’s fortune would be seriously damaged, if Ah Hog were to manage the family’s finances.

NOTE: Ah Hog is a bêh8ring5gian2 白仁囝 i.e., He is intellectually challenged.

bhoi6 zêng2 ia7 oi6 ou1cên1


If not swollen will be blue black.

huan1gê1 扞家 A 捍家

managing one’s home, running one’s home

chi2jia1 持家




ou1cên1 烏青乌青


yu1xue4 淤血 A 瘀血


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