Thursday 9 June 2022

Every . . .

 I saw Professor Lim Lung Lung wrote this sentence伊排眠起夗到晏晏正早起” and I had to look up the dictionary to find out the meaning of bai5.


to indicate every item . . .

i1 bai5 rig8 lai5


He comes every day.

Therefore, the meaning of the above-mentioned sentence is “He wakes up late every morning.”

i1 bai5 mung5ki2 ngh8 gao3 uan1 uan1 zian3 zao2ki2


He wakes up late every morning.

If you were to look up Teochew dictionaries, you will not find a character for zao2 as in zao2ki2 [wakes up] and Mogher writes it as 走起。

I have heard a couple of Professor Lim’s lectures and he uses zao2 as in early.

Sleep is said differently depending on your roots. Many people in Swatow say sleep as  ngh8 and people in Teochew City say sleep as  ug8.  Mogher gives examples of what different parts of our homeland say sleep

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