Saturday 23 July 2022

What did ZCS say to her son

Ziao’ciu Sim said to her son: “iu7 si6 ke3 tao1 diah4 nang7 gai7 又是去偷摘儂個” and I translate this statement as “Gone to steal other people’s again.”

tao1 diah4 – to pick other people’s fruits or flowers without permission

Have you noticed that we Teochew people never say the obvious? In the case, after gai7 could be muêh8gian6 物件 [things] or ni6guê2 奶瓜 [papaya] or whatever and the final word is omitted. 

Let us now turn to “nang” and there are nang2 , nang5 and nang7 

nang2 which means we, including the listener

nang5 like bag8nang5 別人 to mean other people or our own people is said as ga1gi7nang5 家己人

nang7 means other people

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