Friday 15 July 2022

Learning Resource from Teochew Store

Teochew Store, in Singapore, has uploaded a video about a resource for teaching our children Teochew Uê.

There are 120 common phrases in the resource pack.  The video title writes 一百二十 and some Chinese say 一百二 for 120.

How do we say 120 in Teochew Uê?

ANSWER: bêh4 ri6 百二

If you had listened to the recent videos I have posted, you would have known the answer. Huang'guah Sim said that to Ziao'ciu Sim in a recent video.  Real Teochew people from Teochew City would actually call sweet potato hung'guah and not huang'guah. In Swatow, we call sweet potato, huang'ze. 

BTW: The video resources is narrated by a Teochew nang from Swatow. Therefore the accent is very mild and easy to understand. This is why Teochew dictionaries use Swatow Ue as a standard.  

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