Wednesday 27 July 2022

Cooking a carp

Let us watch this video and see how the gentleman cooks a carp.

Carp is called li2gou1 鯉鮕 in Teochew.

He cooked the fish in a sua1uê1 沙鍋 which is an earthenware casserole pot. Do not try to cook such pot on an electric ring burner!

He also added dou2nêg8 肚肉 which is pork belly.

He also added he5zab8 魚雜 which are the fish internal organs.

He said koin3 uê1 huê2 dua7 kui1 蓋鍋火大開 means to cover the pot and turn on to high heat.

He added tomatoes and he called tomatoes huang1gio5 番茄 .  If you are an overseas Teochew person, you may call tomatoes ang5mo5gio5 紅毛茄 and there is an Ang5mo5gio5 紅毛 in Singapore and this Ang5mo5gio5 is referring to the name of a bridge originally and now a constituency.  As Singapore uses Mandarin as standard Chinese, they have also changed the Chinese characters and do not follow Teochew and Hokkien pronunciation. 

China has decided that there are certain words are unacceptable and anything with ang5mo5 in its name has been removed for these words are considered racist as ang5mo5 refers to Caucasian people.

He added Angelica sinensis or female ginseng which is called dang1gui1 當歸

If there were any words which he mentioned and you would like to know its meaning, please ask in the comment section. I did not explain simple things like giam5cai3 鹹菜 because I assume that all Teochew people what is giam5cai3.

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