Monday 11 July 2022

What did A’Bêh say to A’Hang ?

You hear A’Bêh saying to A’Hang in this video:



to take an initiative

The opposite of taking an initiative is:

cig4ia5 toin2 boih4ia5 di1du1 toin2 la5ia5 七爺睇八爺,蜘蛛睇蟧蜈

So, what is a di1du1 and what is a la5ia5?

Di1du1 is a spider and la5ia5 is a long-legged spider.

We know this character as ghê5 in ghê5gang1 蜈蚣 to mean a centipede. 

The Hokkien people in Taiwan say 蟧蜈 la5ia5 as lâ-giâ.

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