Saturday 17 September 2022

two and half hours

In Mandarin, two and half hours is said as 兩個半鐘頭|两个半钟头 but in Teochew two and a half hours is said as no6 diam2 buan3 zêng1.




no6 diam2 buan3 zêng1

2.5 hours





I have heard a Mandarin educated Teochew person saying zong1tao5 鐘頭 to mean hour and first of all is said as zêng1 and never as zong1 and for hour, we say zêng1 just zêng1! 

Do also observe that the "gai5 " has disappeared from the Teochew phrase!

AND please remember 2 o'clock is said as ri6diam2 二點 and NOT no6diam2 and I know in Mandarin is said as 點 and perhaps why some Mandarin educated Teochew people think 2 o'clock is said as no6 diam2 as 兩個 is said as no6 gai5 個 and please remember that Teochew and Mandarin are not dialects of one another as we have different language roots. The Teochew language is several thousand years old, whereas Mandarin is only 500 years old, a language from the nomadic people of the North. 

I am watching a Mandarin drama and one of the actors said 兩個半鐘頭 which got me to write this post to explain how two and half hours is said in Teochew. 

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