Monday 19 September 2022

都得死 in Teochew Uê

I am watching a Mandarin drama “Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚喬傳” and this evil guy has just said “dou1 dei3 si3 都得死” and how do we say this expression in Teochew Uê?

long2 dioh8 si2


all have to die

The Mandarin dou1 is said as long2 攏|拢 or long2zong2 攏總|拢总 to mean “all” and you sometimes hear people speak in Mandarin Teochew dou1 like for example “all are well” these people would say dou1ho2 都好 instead of saying long2ho2 |拢好 or long2zong2 ho2 攏總|拢总 - sia3suê1nang5 瀉衰人|泻衰人 👎😢

The Mandarin dei3 is said as dioh8 著|着 in Teochew Uê to mean “have to” [NOT tone 4 dioh4]!

If you are learning Mandarin or know Mandarin, it is worthwhile remembering direct translations from Mandarin into Teochew such as those listed above so you no speak a kind of phoney Teochew Uê.

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