Tuesday 22 February 2022

Teochew Saying 做戲神仙老虎鬼 做桌靠粉水

I heard a Teochew saying today. It is zo3hi3 sing5siang1 lao2houn2 gui2; zo3doh4 kao3 hung2zui2  做戲神仙老虎鬼 做桌靠粉水做戏神仙老虎鬼 做桌靠粉水

and we call an expression sog8ghe2 俗語 or common saying

What does this sog'ghe mean? It means:

to put on a show, the drama needs to be lively i.e. immortals, tiger and ghosts, to attract audience; to prepare a banquet i.e. making dishes - depends on a thickening agent

You will hear this saying said if you were to click on the above link to hear a video from YouTube. 

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