Monday 28 February 2022

sib8guang3 習慣

You must have heard people saying sib8guang3 which is a Mandarin word to mean get used to something, or a habit.

However, our ancestors have given us our own word to have the same meaning as sib8guang3. 

Dio Hiao Sang writes it as 慣性 and Lim Lung Lung writes it as 慣勢 same as our Hokkien cousins.

However, look at the Romanised Teochew. I say it as guin3sin2 nasal both the gui and si - how do you say gui si - do you nasal both or just the gui ?

guin3sin2  慣性




force of habit, habitual,  tendency to do things in the accustomed way

xi2guan4 習慣习惯

xi2xing4 習性习性

guan4xing4 慣性



m6 guin3sin唔慣性|唔惯性

Not used to it.


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