Saturday 19 February 2022


I really like the dialogue between the two lads. One seems to have a Teochew 潮州府城 accent and the other a Dio'Ion 潮陽 accent. 

The name of the video is kui1hag8 開學 and you can view the video by clicking on the link.

Kui1hag8 means beginning of term or the beginning of a new term.  

Just a few points:
The lad in pink outfit [which we call deng5san1 長衫] says 根本 geng1beng2 and in Swatow and Teochew people say it as geng1bung2 just like Rig8bung2 日本 for Japan.

He also said ia7 somewhere in the conversation - that perhaps is a Dio'Ion 潮陽 word and is not listed in Teochew dictionaries. 

I think it is lovely that we can celebrate various Teochew accents and we do not go round telling people who is right and who is wrong. It is just an accent and all we need is for us to understand one another.

My roots are in Swatow and I therefore have written the Romanised Teochew using Swatow accent. 

Finally, I do not know which hui the lad in blue was saying at the end. It was obvious both of them were upset. 

I hope the lad in pink will finish his assignment before he goes back to school. 

What I like about these two lads is that they chanted Teochew naturally and they use a number of our own words. 

If you have any question please ask in the comment section. 

The purpose of writing out the dialogue is to help Teochew people who are English educated to learn and improve your Teochew. All you have to do is to read the Romanised Teochew and the English translation, listen to the lads chanting. 


si1gang1 guê3lai7 mên2  時間過來猛|时间过来猛

Time has passed quickly

時間過來了快| 时间过来了快

nih4mag8 hang5gia2 guê3  𥍉寒假過

in the wink of an eye, the winter holiday has ended

眨眼寒假過了| 眨眼寒假过了

iu6 si6 dioh4 bi3 gai5 ze1bao1  又是著背個書包|又是着背个书包

has to carry a school bag

又是得背一個書包| 又是得背一个书包

deng2lai2 hag8hao6 zion6kuê3 轉來學校上課转来学校上课

return back to school to attend lessons


zih4 dioh4 dan3 kui1hag8  接著呾開學接着呾开学

mentioning of opening school


ua2 gai5 sim1 ziu6 guê3 zab8 我個心就怪雜我个心就怪杂

my mind becomes a mess


zo3ni5 咋呢



sion6 dioh4 zag4ngiab8 huan1 bhuê7 sia2  想著作業還未寫想着作业还未写

The thought homework assignment not being completed


si6 u6kui3bho5lag8


is discouraging


bang3gia2 hoh4 zoi7 rig8  放假好㩼日放假好㩼日

On holiday for so many days


le2 zag4ngiab8 huan1 bhuê7 dig8  汝作業還未直汝作业还未直

you have not completed the homework assignment


a7si6 deng2 hao6 sia2 bhuê7 dig8  也是轉校寫未直也是转校写未直

if upon returning to school you have not completed the assignment


dioh4 bung1 lao2se1 siu1sib8  著分老師收拾着分老师收拾

teacher will sort (you) out.


hang5gia2 gai5 ghua7 ghuêh8  寒假個外月寒假个外月

Winter holidays has been more than a month


geng1bung2 ziu6 seng2 m6 gao3  根本就耍唔夠|根本就耍唔够

fundamentally, has not had enough of having fun


gai2 ni5 zêg8 guê3 ziu6 ain3 kui1hag8 個年一過就欲開學|个年一过就欲开学

as soon as the (new) year is over, is going to be a new term


ua2 zêg8 sion6 ziu6 ain3 kao3  我一想就欲哭

just to think about it makes me want to cry


mai3 sion6 kah4 gê  勿想佮加

Don’t think too much.


gim1mên5 sia2 gao3 mên5  今暝寫夠暝|今暝写够暝

write the whole night tonight


Guê3ni5 diam7 ain3 ke3 tig4to5 過年扂欲去踢跎|过年扂欲去踢跎

Chinese New Year keep wanting to go out to have fun


zag4ngiab8 huan1 ga1lo5  作業還䜰䜮作业还䜰䜮

assignment work is still lacking


ua2 ia7 sion6ain3 sia2  我也想欲寫|我也想欲写

I also want to write


dang6 sion6 dioh4 li7 guê3 ia7 但想著哩過野|但想着哩过野

however, to recall to mind at once become too tired.


zêg8rig8 si7gang1 mo2 lang6hui3 一日時間孬浪費|一日时间孬浪费

time should not be wasted during the day


le2 mo2 diam7 cab4 bhê2 cui3  汝孬扂插馬嘴汝孬扂插马嘴

You must not keep interrupting

bhê2 means hole or a gap as in 漏洞


mai3 log8, sia2 zag4ngiab8!  勿録作业勿录作業

Don’t record, write the assignment!


mai3 log8 hui3  勿録費勿录费

Don’t record!



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