Sunday 11 August 2013

Tones changes in DioSua Ue

We have 8 tones in our DioSua Ue.  4 and 8 are found when the PengIm ends with b, g or h

for example duck is ah4

but if you were to say ah teng - duck soup - it becomes ah(8) teung - a higher tone for ah - duck

same with bag for others - it is bag4 normally

but if you were to say bag nang - other people - you would raise the tone from 4 to 8 - bag(8) nang5

We have already covered diam diam in the last posting.

If you need to have a revision on this, you need to visit other Teochew websites, which have lots and lots of resources on this topic and it seems silly of me to repeat what you can find elsewhere.  I recommend Gaginang and I know Ty Lim has spent much time, energy and effort on this area.  There is this website on Teochew dialect also explains this topic, including Wikipedia.  In addition, there is a blog which has links to many other websites.

Enjoy learning the 8 tones and their changes.  

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