Thursday 7 November 2013

hiao1 梟

Let us look at another Diosua Uê [Teochew] word today - hiao1

Hiao1 here means callous or heartless

Zhang XiaoShan has shown an example of use for this word hiao1 

伊個心怪梟, 孥囝細細就放家己去讀書。
i1 gai5sim1 guê3 hiao1, nou5gian2 sio3sio3 ziu6 bang3 i1 ga1gi3 ke3 tag8ze1

she is rather callous [or heartless] to allow her very young children to go to school on their own

In Mandarin, ZXS translated the above as:
她的心真狠, 孩子那麼小就讓他自個兒去上學。

So you have learnt another of our own word today - hiao1 梟 like hiao2 曉 but tone 1. You can hear how to say hiao1 in this website and of course Mogher

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