Saturday 16 November 2013

第一課 問候 – first lesson: paying respects

I have posted the Mandarin version of the audio file

In addition, the English translation is from the Mandarin spoken by the lady.

第一課 問候 – first lesson: paying respects
1. 您好 : Hello
2.您早 : Good morning
3. 您身體好嗎?: How is your health?
4. 還可以,謝謝。您哪?: Fine, thanks.  How about you?
5. 我也很好。您工作忙不忙?: I am also very good.  Are you busy with your work?
6. 很忙。我們好久沒見面了。: Very busy.  We have not met for a long time.
7. 是啊。家裡人都好嗎?: That is right.  Are your family members alight?
8. 的福,全過得很好。Thanks to your blessing, all are very good.
9. 您好像還有事要辦,是嗎?: It looks like you still have work to do, is this right?
10. 真對不起,我九點鐘還有個會。: Really sorry, I still have a meeting at 9 o’clock.
11. 那就不耽誤您了,再見。: Then let’s not delay you.  Good bye.

12. 再見! : Good bye

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