Friday 15 November 2013

a little, a few

I would like to talk about a little / a few today. In English we say 

we want to eat a little rice and have few cats - little for those we cannot count and few for those we can count

However, in our language, a little = a few and there is no distinction between the two.

There are many ways to say a little / a few and I am going to list them for you from my current study notes.  I am sure as I 讀破 [tag8pua3] my dictionaries, I might be able to find more.  哈哈

  1. siam1su1 參須 
  2. su1gian須囝 sometimes said susu1gian2須須囝
  3. sê1su1 些須
  4. dih4gian
  5. giam2 
  6. ko2 
  7. dam6boh8 淡泊
  8. diam2gian點囝
  9. lang5su1 零須

All of these would be said in Mandarin as yi1dian3dian3 一點點 or shao3liang4 少量

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